School budgets — a key to financial confidence

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In the September blog, we discussed good budgeting being the key to financial confidence around cost control, fee affordability, and funding capital expenditure.

In recent weeks we have helped several schools to integrity-check their budget and develop options to achieve operational, capital expenditure, and loan servicing needs. Here are some 🎬 short videos explaining how you can do this efficiently and effectively using Somerset Education tools.

1 | 3-Way Budget Model

  • How to use the 3-Way Budget Model to improve and enhance the financial confidence in your overall budget.

2 | Budget Integrity 

  • Learn how to use your KPI sheet in our budget model to improve budget integrity.

3 | Staff Estimator

  • Compare your staff with similar schools to inform staffing decisions.

4 | Budget Scenarios

  • Learn how to use the SKI Scenario Builder™ tool to instantly “dollarise” and risk assess budget options.

How we can help

  • Financial Survey for Schools (FSS) — Join up to 600 participating schools to make data-driven financial decisions with confidence by analysing trends in your performance plus comparing KPIs with similar schools. Every participant adds to the comprehensive dataset which benefits all schools and drives industry progress.
  • Budget Model — If you don’t have a reliable school budget model, contact us because we have a very detailed three-way (comprehensive income, financial position, and cash flow) model that references back to sample average KPIs that you can obtain from the FSS.
  • SKI Scenario Builder — Use this FSS tool to easily evaluate the financial impact on budgets for changes in key metrics and test strategic scenarios. This tool reduces forecasting to seconds enabling you to meaningfully discuss strategies while the key decision makers are in the room.

FSS | Participate now 
The FSS is always open and currently receiving data for the 2023 school year. Participation starts from AU$1,045 including GST (half price if less than 250 enrolments).

Q | Any questions?

For more information about the FSS or our budgeting and reporting tools, please do not hesitate to contact Cathy or Jessica at or call 1300 781 968 (from outside Australia +61 7 3263 5300).

If I can help in any way with the financial governance of your school, please contact me at or mobile 0417 618 899.

We look forward to your ongoing support, or if new to the survey, we warmly welcome you joining in.