The 2020 (2019 school-year) Reports now available!
By John Somerset, 04 August 2020
The 2020 (2019 school-year) ASBA/Somerset Non-Government Schools’ Financial Performance Survey (FPS) Reports are now available.
Please log into the Somerset Portal by clicking the button below and then:
- Select a sample of similar schools
- Generate your reports.
Here is the link to a short video on how to select samples:
To date almost 500 schools have logged in to populate the survey. This year has seen delays, in part due to the extension to 31 August by the Australian Government to complete the annual Commonwealth Financial Questionnaire. As completions increase over the coming weeks, so too will sample sizes.
We appreciate the extreme circumstances of 2020 and the corresponding pressure placed on school business managers’ time. The FPS is a valuable tool for identifying efficiencies but it relies on timely completion by all participants. You can enter/change data and re-generate reports at any time until April 2021 but we implore schools to complete as soon as possible.
We sincerely thank schools for participating in the survey, which is the largest of its type in Australia and New Zealand, and trust that the reports help individual school and sector financial sustainability.
Kindest regards
John Somerset is a Chartered Accountant. He has extensive knowledge of the independent school sector and is past President of Independent Schools Queensland and a past board member of the Independent Schools Council of Australia.
SEA School Financial Governance—Webinar, 26 August 2020.
ISNZ School Financial Governance—Webinar, 27 August 2020.
ACS School Financial Governance—Webinar, 10 September 2020.
AISSA School Financial Governance—Webinars, 15 and 21 September 2020.